Curriculum: Head. Heart. Hands

At The Golden Spiral School, we take pride in offering an educational journey that respects the natural pace of learning and the uniqueness of each child. Our curriculum is designed not only to educate but to inspire, nurture, and develop every aspect of a child’s being. This journey, spread across four key stages, ensures a harmonious blend of academic, creative, and personal growth.


Discovering Through Play: In the Play-group stage, children embark on their first steps in learning through play. This stage is all about exploration, sensory experiences, and fostering a love for nature.

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Nurturing Creativity and Imagination: Kindergarten at The Golden Spiral is a magical time where imagination and creativity take center stage. Here, children learn through stories, songs and artistic activities.

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Primary School

Building Foundations and Explorations: Our Primary School curriculum is a beautiful blend of academic learning and creative exploration. It is here that children begin to form a deeper understanding of core subjects.

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Secondary School

Broadening Horizons and Deep Dives: The Secondary School stage at The Golden Spiral is designed to broaden horizons and deepen understanding. As students mature, they are introduced to more complex concepts.

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To summarize, each stage of our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to ensure that children not only acquire knowledge but also develop a deep love for learning, an appreciation for the world around them, and the confidence to express their unique selves.