Frequently Asked Questions

  • Play-group Timings: 08:00 am to 11:30 am

    Kindergarten Timings: 08:00 am to 12:45 pm

    Grade School Timings: 07:50 am to 02:30 pm

  • A typical school day unfolds like a flowing rhythm. It all commences with students stepping into the classroom, greeted warmly by their teacher, who takes a moment to acknowledge each child individually.

    In the Early Childhood program, the day brims with vibrant activities. It begins with an engaging circle time, followed by a generous time outdoors. The children return to the classroom for a refreshing fruit break and then find outlets of self expression and skill development through artistic explorations. After some indoor playtime, lunch time arrives to nourish both bodies and spirits. Finally, the day gracefully concludes with a captivating story time, whisking young minds away on imaginative journeys.

    The heartbeat of the Lower School and High School day is the "Main Lesson." This two-hour segment is a cornerstone of their daily experience. Guided by class teachers in the Primary School and subject-specific instructors in the Secondary School, it serves as a moment of focused concentration. Main Lessons are organised into three- to four-week blocks, immersing students in a particular subject such as History, Mathematics, Science, English, or Social Studies. These blocks might introduce the alphabet's secrets to 1st graders, delve into the intricacies of Indian rivers for 5th graders, or ignite scientific curiosity with physics experiments for 8th graders.

    After the fruit break and outdoor interlude, students transition to their specialty classes, which occupy the remainder of the day. Here, they dive into the worlds of Fine and Applied Arts, explore regional languages, harmonise with music, hone handwork skills, and engage in the thrill of games and sports. This dynamic array of activities and subjects enriches their educational journey, offering a well-rounded experience.

  • The Golden Spiral School does not offer any extra-curricular activities. All the subjects, whether academic, artistic or related to physical fitness and training are all part of the curriculum.

  • No foreign languages are offered as part of the curriculum, however, the two regional languages namely Hindi and Marathi are introduced to the children.

  • There are many ways in which we support movement and physical education at The Golden Spiral depending upon the developmental stage the children are experiencing within any given grade.

    The kindergarten children involve themselves in vigorous play to satiate their need for movement. The children in the primary years of education sharpen their sense of balance, movement, stamina and resistance through an invigorating athletics and games curriculum through which aspects like teamwork and coordination are also worked upon. In higher grades (Grade 5 onwards), children are also introduced to formal sports and training.

  • The Golden Spiral School’s games curriculum is largely conducted within the school premises. However, for physical fitness activities which require special facilities, The School avails of public beaches and parks or rents private sports facilities.

  • The children at The Golden Spiral School are closely observed and assessed through the entire course of the academic year. Instead of annual tests and examinations, the teachers use formative assessments and note the children’s progress and struggles.

    The children’s written work (mainlesson books), participation in class discussions and activities, recall of previously learned material, quality of speech, recitation, movement and so on are just some of the aspects of assessments. Summative assessments at the end of every block and term are also undertaken by the teachers.

    At the end of the academic year, the parents receive a detailed qualitative report of the child’s growth and progress in their intellectual, emotional, physical and social development.

  • In the Kindergarten, there are two teachers (class teacher and co-teacher) in a class of 20-25 children. While in Grade school, we have one teacher in a class of 20-25 children.

    The grade school teacher may or may not be accompanied by a co-teacher. This remains open depending on the needs of the class.

  • In the past students have transferred into and out of The Golden Spiral School.

    For students transferring out of The Golden Spiral, depending on the grade level, the school the child is transferring to and the abilities of the particular child, we find in general that students transferring out are well prepared for their work in other schools. This transition is fairly smooth after Grade 4 onwards. However, students transferring before Grade 4 might need the help of the parents to bring the child at par with the academic expectations of the new school.

    Students transferring into The Golden Spiral School also need some time and assistance to develop their artistic skills and learn to place emphasis on critical thinking rather than test-taking.

  • The school’s academic term begins in the month of June and ends in the month of April.

  • The parents of The Golden Spiral School have initiated a bus service that runs on selected routes. Apart from that, other parents either carpool or drop and pick their children individually from school.

  • The Golden Spiral School’s food policy states that every child gets a turn to bring a simple, home cooked, vegetarian meal once a month for the entire class (of 20 -25 children and 2 teachers). In kindergarten the meals are fairly simple which consist of items like parathas, dal-rice, idlis and so on. However, in grade school, we have wholesome meals consisting of roti-sabzi, dal, one rice item and a raw salad everyday.

    Kindly note that The Golden Spiral School is not a vegetarian school. Non-vegetarian meals are also brought by some children on picnics, field trips and other occasions.

  • After their schooling, some children continue their education within the country while some also travel abroad.

    Waldorf alumni branch out to varied fields like architecture, medicine, business, education, information technology, law, politics, science, social services, and the arts.

  • By educating the child, head, heart and hands, Waldorf Education provides the framework for successful academic learning, and in addition, a love of learning that spans a lifetime. By allowing children to enjoy the freedom of being children, the earliest years are dedicated to play and discovery of the wonders of nature. The grades unfold as the child unfolds and the curriculum is designed to mirror the very processes that the child is experiencing in his or her development – whether through mathematics, the arts, literature, sciences or music.

    Through an artistic, contemplative, comprehensive education, students enter into the adult world as active participants. Waldorf students often stand out as young adults who ask questions, who seek deeper understanding, who form healthy relationships with mentors, teachers and managers, and who think “outside the box.” For, it is said, in Waldorf, there is no box!

    In the words of a respected university professor, “By the time they reach us at the college and university level, these [Waldorf] students are grounded broadly and deeply and have a remarkable enthusiasm for learning. Such students possess the eye of the discoverer, and the compassionate heart of the reformer which, when joined to a task, can change the planet.”

  • The Waldorf Board is not yet a recognised board in India. The Waldorf schools in India usually affiliate with a recognised board so that the children who pass out of school can further their education in the country or abroad. The Golden Spiral School is in the process of initiating the IGCSE Board affiliation and the children are being prepared for the same.

  • The teachers at The Golden Spiral School are all certified by the government. In addition to having their diploma or degrees in education, the teachers also receive training in Waldorf education. In-house training programs, attending conferences and training seminars in various other Waldorf schools and interaction with Waldorf mentors from India and abroad all contribute to the constant development and growth of a teacher at The Golden Spiral School.

  • Yes! The Golden Spiral School offers a Waldorf Enrichment Program which is open to whoever wishes to gain a deeper understanding of Waldorf Education. The Program begins in the month of July and ends in March. Details of the program are available in the month of June in the school office once the new academic year has begun.

  • The vision and objectives of The Golden Spiral School are met by a group of individuals, each contributing with their own set tasks and responsibilities.

    The Teachers:

    The Golden Spiral School has a team of qualified teachers who are dedicated to the growth and development of the children in their care. The class teachers, co-teachers and subject-teachers are responsible for the health and education of all the children in the school.

    The College of Teachers:

    The teachers are guided and supported by their mentors also known as the ‘College of Teachers’. The College of Teachers consists of seasoned teachers who are also responsible for curriculum development, teacher recruitment, training and evaluation, admissions as well as holding the greater well-being of the school as its primary task.

    The Administrative Department:

    Our School Administrator along with the office team ensures that school processes and policies are in place , the school’s day- to- day functioning is smooth and offers the required support to the pedagogical team.

    The Board of Trustees:

    The main objective of the Board of Trustees is to look into the financial health of the school. They are responsible for ensuring all facilities and opportunities which will enhance the learning experience of the children, wellbeing of faculty members and school are met with. The Board also overlooks all legal aspects, compliances and policies of the organisation.

    The Founding Parents:

    The founding parents began this initiative with the vision to bring love and joy into the education process of the children. The founding parents are closely integrated in various aspects of the school like teaching, mentoring and administration. All the founding members are part of the College of Teachers and continue to serve their roles and responsibilities with love and commitment.

  • The School has secured a long term commitment with its current premises at Parel.