November 14th, 2023

Dear Friend, 

This day, a decade ago, some of us set foot into The Golden Spiral as its founder-teachers. And though we were steamed by the fire of our sincere surrender, our naivety—regardless of how endearing it feels in hindsight now—did little to prepare us for the task that lay ahead. But just like the wise saying goes, “A child gives birth to a mother” so too, did The Golden Spiral School give birth to its founder-teachers. 

Little did we reckon that our steps would set in motion a will-force that would in time transcend its own limited origins by outdoing itself.
Through the years at the G.S, many have given themselves with sincere surrender, and many continue to do so even to this day, bellowing the fire of this will-force by the very one that runs in their veins and fires-up their heart. Our deep gratitude to everyone of these individuals who walked with us in this journey and shaped The Golden Spiral in indelible ways—students, teachers, parents, administrators, support staff, mentors, trainers, consultants, suppliers, contractors, lessors, liaisons, donors and fellow-waldorf schools—to you we owe this day when we celebrate the 10th Birth Anniversary of The Golden Spiral School. 

And as we step into the next decade, let’s wish that The Golden Spiral always remains a child raised out of sincere surrender; a child who playfully dodges the clutches of experience, expertise and legacy, so it can remain naive enough to dare to dream. 

With gratitude, 

Founder-teachers of 

The Golden Spiral School